Showing posts with label Gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gadgets. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

JackPair: A Device To Secure Your Voice Calls By Encrypting It.

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Feeling unsafe when you talk on phone calls ? Do you think that your phone call is being spy by someone ? I assure that this newly invented gadget can help you. JackPair a new device which is used to encrypt the voice calls. It works with the device through standard 3.5 mm audio jack. Make your phone line fully secure with a pair of jackpair connected to your phones. You just need to do is put the button on. That's it ! No need to remember password, No need to install any software, no subscription needed and work ability to get connected to any phone of standard audio jack connection.

What is JackPair ?

A device which will encrypt your voice while talking on phone is JackPair. 
For example : Suppose your phone is getting wire tapped and you want to protect your privacy. To secure yourself from spied you just need to a new JackPair. ( Readers be careful and read further ). Follow the below steps for getting your privacy tight and get your call protected with this new device .
  1. You will have to make a call to friend with whom you wanna talk. Next you do is to connect the Jackpair gadget to your smartphone, or landlines with the medium of 3.5mm audio jack.
  2. 2nd step is that you have to connect your headset with the JackPair gadget. 
  3. Now your side is protected but it is of no use if the other phone receiver to whom i called is not connected to the JackPair with same style.
  4. It would work only and only if both the phones are connected with this new gadget.

Working of JackPair. 

Both Phone's on call are connected to gadget as mentioned above, interesting is how actually the device works? Here is your answer.
  • While talking on phone when we push the button ON the device gets activated. 
  • When both caller's as well as receiver's button is ON, one device produces a One-time-secret-key (OTSK) on the LED screen of the device the same key is developed on the receivers screen. 
  • There is no need to learn that key, nor is to type it. OTSK is automatically created and self-destroyed. It means that no one can break this OTSK which has encrypted your voice.
  • None other device, nor any other technology can trace the voice call which you have encrypted with this JackPair.


JackPair is without loss full benefit device. Security issues of phone tapping is no more a worry for user of this this device. No need to take any extra efforts other then to purchase it. No need to install it, nor to remind any password or anything else. Easy is to make safety, privacy is maintained on high level. Pay once and then just feel safe to talk any private talks. enjoy the freedom of speech.


This device is just the kickstart to make the world to enjoy their privacy. If you really is in need or if you really think that your phone should not be spy ever then start the use of JackPair as soon as possible. It codes your voice which can't be able to break easily. Please let your friends family and friends know about this device.
If you have any problem or question regarding this post feel free to comment below or fill the contact form.

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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Polaroid Socialmatic Camera with Android OS and with Instant printer

Posted by arvind
Social Media has become an integral part of our lives. Uploading pictures and sharing them with friends is a frequent activity. Especially, young people aged from 10 to 22 portray their lives through Social Medias. Smart phones or digital cameras are put to use for this purpose.

But have you ever imagined a device which may click images, instantly print and share them? Does any such device exist?
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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Raspberry Pi B+ : A Card Size Single Board Computer.

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The all new small computer is in your market. Raspberry Pi a visiting card size board computer, to respond lack of computer literate young people. Main aim of the foundation is to widespread the use of computer in classroom, homes and all possible world. Making projects with this machine is more easy and suitable. Most important feature of this machine is we can take this board along with us anywhere. This machine is ready to get connected with the real world objects. You can make the all possible stuff you want with this small size computer and get hold on it.
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Thursday, 10 July 2014

iPhone 6 Price In India.

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After the grand success of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c series of mobile, iPhone have decided to launch the highly exciting iPhone 6 with newly upgraded OS and a faster processor. iPhone lovers will happy to enjoy the new upgraded mobile with the high quality body made of tough unbreakable glass and aluminium. Apple's new iPhone 6 has glown up the market. OpenGL 3.0 games can be played on this new phone. And many more worth using features as listed below.

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