Thursday, 14 November 2013

How to Send a SMS in Future?

Posted by arvind
Sms Scheduler is a application available for Android, Which allows you to send a sms automatically in future.
you can set time date according to your choice and you can choose multiple recipients and this sms you send will be added to a proper conversation threads.Sending fake sms to people

Why use sms Scheduler?

There are loads of benefits of sms scheduler.
I always use to forget my loved ones B'day and they use to come fighting that i didn't wished them at 12 midnight on there B'day and so i was Searching and Found this Application for android known as sms scheduler so i highly recommend you using this for faking sms.

It is the Best Application for faking SMS. There are Many Application Like sms Scheduler some of them are are Autosms, Pro sms, Smstiming etc.

Main Features of SMS Scheduler

recipients can be typed in directly or selected from contacts
multiple recipients can be chosen
flexible scheduling system - you can send sms once, every 5 minutes, 15 minutes, every hour
sent sms messages are added to the proper conversation threads
status bar notifications are triggered for sent messages and delivery reports
history of sent and delivered messages is available

Download SMS Scheduler from the play store.

How to use SMS Scheduler?

After you download sms scheduler and finish installing it..Every entry specifies recipients, dispatch frequency and date and time of next sms transmission. Edit any entry just by clicking on it. Use a button on the bottom of a main screen to add new entry of recipients. You can choose multiple recipients just by separating the contact number with comma.

Conclusion :

If you have any doubts or any questions about sms Scheduler or have any alternative to this application then please Comment below to share your feedback or to ask your question .
Thank you!


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