Wednesday 9 July 2014

How to Make Money With Youtube?

Posted by arvind
Youtube is video sharing website. Where users can browse, upload and share videos. The worlds best and easiest job is doing what you like to do and Youtube is similar to do that just do what you already love and make amazing video of it. In this post we will be discussing about how to setup youtube channel and earn money.
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5 Applications You Must Have On Your Android Device

Posted by 5 Comments
Having Android as your mobile OS ? Want to personalise your mobile with the best content ? You will really find these apps exciting, other then the inbuilt mobile android apps. Here we have got some of the most basic and important mobile applications. Enhance Your mobile With The Best Application to Satisfy Your Own Mobile Use .
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Sunday 18 May 2014

Computer Hacks and Security

Posted by arvind
Computer plays very important role in our life and almost everyone reading this post have computer's in there houses. We all need computers for being in touch with our family and friends, for business work, for shopping and for other activities to. Computer saves a lot of sensitive and personal information. But have you ever thought of your computers security. So in this post I've collected some important precautions one must take to secure their PC.

How Hackers Can Hack your Computers?

Key loggers. (Keystroke logging)

Key loggers is nothing but a tinny software which a hacker sends into your PC for logging your keystrokes.
In simple words key loggers is a software which records all the things which you have been typing, whether it can be your chatting, your emails, your password, credit or bank details or any sensitive information. Hacker can send key logger via emails they can directly install it if they physical contact with PC. Key logger are very tiny software.

Trojans Horse.

Trojan virus is the most dangerous virus for Computers. Trojan is similar as Key loggers but come with many advanced features like it can give remote access of your computer to the hacker, it allows the hacker to keylog all the key stokes, It allows hacker to access your webcam, hackers can shutdown your PC and more. Trojan virus are small in size and can be attached in the emails or can be hidden in other software's.

Bat Viruses.

Bat viruses are nothing but the viruses which are created by using Batch Program. Bat viruses are very famous virus as they can do a lot of evil things in your PC. A Bat virus can delete all your windows files or can delete all your important files as programmed. And the worst part of a bat program is that no anti-virus can detect bat virus. Hackers modify bat virus into .exe files and change their Icons to any famous software and can share with you to harm your PC.

How to Protect your Computers from being Hacked?

Use Anti virus Software's.

If you have a computer then it is a must to have Anti-Virus Software Installed in your PC. Anti Virus will detect all the viruses and remove it from your PC. It doesn't allow dangerous viruses like key loggers and Trojans to send your information to hackers. You must update your Anti-virus daily to keep it update with the recent viruses.

Avoid Viruses.

Stop click on random links from any source such as Social media, Emails or any website and forums. Only click to links which you are sure of and which are legit. Clicking on links makes your PC download new viruses.

Protect your computer with Firewall.

Firewall is very necessary as it create a wall between your computer and hacker try to get access to your computer or network. Hardware and software firewall helps to keep your safe when you are online.

Keep your Operating system updated.

As soon as you see any update is available then do update your system and make sure you daily update your system time to time. Updating your systems help to keep thieves away from your PC and detects new viruses.

Secure your Home Network Security.

Mostly a hacker will hack you from a network so it is necessary to first update your Network Security.
Broad band connected PCs should be behind gateway/router even if there is only one PC.
Use Firewall Encryption (WPA/WPA2)

Use a Spam Filters in your Email Programs.

As most of the Hackers send you spam emails and most of the spam email consist of phishing site, Key logger software or Trojan software so to avoid these things one must Use spam filter program.

Backup Your Data.

Creating a Backup of your data is very useful as it contains our Important and Sensitive Information. If your PC gets attacked by a virus and it deleted all your files so to keep the documents safe always make a backup of your important files.

Remove Unnecessary Software's.

Always Avoid keeping unknown software or unused software in your PC as it will make your PC chances high of getting attacked by virus. So try avoid unnecessary software's.

Password Protect your PC.

Always Keep your PC password protected as it will not allow other user to access your computer and use your personal information.

Treat your Computer like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it

Related Post

Here in this post you saw some important things to be followed in order to protect your PC from Hackers and there is a similar post which will tell you about How Hackers Hack Email Accounts and How to protect them from being Hacked.

Conclusion :

Guys these are the security precaution one should take to prevent there PC from getting Hacked. I've been searching these all security measures from a long time and been taking this precaution and My PC never got hacked or got infected with any Virus. 
If you are having any problem or Question about this post please do comment below or you can contact me.
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Email Hack And Security

Posted by arvind
Today we will be discussing about Email Hacks and Security. As Emails consist of sensitive information such as our bank account details, credit card details, Paypal details and much more personal information. Emails are already protected with password systems but is that enough for Email Security? The answer is no. We need to know about all the email security to protect our account.

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Thursday 15 May 2014

Things to Remember While Writing a Post on Blog

Posted by arvind
Blogging has become very popular and most of the people are having their own blog. But people lack knowledge in writing post, newbies don't know the basics of how to write a post on a blog what are the things you should remember while writing a blog. In this post I am going to explain you guys what things you should remember while writing a post.

Collection of Information : 

Before you start writing a post you should fully collect all the Information about the topic. Go through different website, blogs, go through news papers and social media and collect all the Important data from it. Only start writing post when you have full knowledge about the topic. 

Never Copy and Paste Information from other sites

Introducing Topic :

Always while writing a post try to give a small introduction of the topic which you are gonna write about, and tell your readers what they are gonna learn from this post or what knowledge they will get.

Inserting Image : 

Images play very Important roles in the post. An image can tell whole story itself, by inserting an image the post looks more attractive and it also plays important role in SEO of the post. while you are uploading your image make sure your image name is SEO friendly. (ex : if your writing about Security of Facebook then the image name must be some what like security-of-facebook.jpg) Before you insert an image make sure to crop the image and compress the image size as it wont take time loading on the blog.

Jump Break :

Jump Break also plays a very important role in a Post. After you are finished with Introducing the topic and inserting image then you should give jump break. Actually jump break is nothing but it gives a break to your post and only shows the post till the jump break on the Home Page.

About Post :

In this Section you have to give brief summary about the post and give all the Important information about the Topic. 

Make use of Format

When i was a newbie and when i wanted to make a Heading I just use to select the text, increase text size and use to make it bold but you should not repeat that mistake make use of format gives on the upper toolbar. Make use of Quote when necessary.

Important Post Settings

Don't forget one of the most important thing about post.  
  • Label : Make sure you give a category to your post by labelling. 
  • Permalink : Permalink plays very important role. Always choose a custom permalink and before choosing a custom permalink go to Google Keyword planner choose a keyword from it and put it in permalink
  • Site Description : It is a small description of your topic which will show up on search engine while searching for a particular topic.

How to End?

While ending the post give a Minor heading for conclusion and write the conclusion of the post and tell them about your experience about the post or what you feel about the post.

Conclusion : 

This post covers some important things which you should know before writing a post. When i was new to blogging i never knew about these things and whatever mistakes i made that time, now i don't want anyone to make that this is why i wrote this small post.
If you are having any problem or questions regarding this post please do comment below or contact me.
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Wednesday 14 May 2014

10 Best Ways to Make Money Online

Posted by arvind
Today almost everyone has Internet in their houses and Internet has completely changed our lives. Many people are earning a good amount just by giving few hours to their computer. Still some people are unknown to the fact that we can earn money just by sitting home. Now we can Make Money Online without any investment and earn good. Today I am going to discuss the top 10 ways to earn Money online

Earn Money Online

How am i going to make Money Online?

:- You can Make Money Online by choosing any of the way which is listed below. All you is to do is concentrate on any of the way you like and make use of all your skills their.

How much time do I've to spend daily?

:- The more the time you spend on your work the more the amount will be generated. The more hard work you do the more profit you will get.

10 Best Ways to Make Money Online

1. Make Money with a Blog:

Blogging is one of the best way to make lot of money but before you start, let me clear your expectation that not everyone will make a lot of money from a blog. It depends on your Niche and your hard work. Before you start a blog you must know some basic things of a Blog. You must know how to write post on blog, How to drive traffic to your blog, and much more things.

2. Uploading and Sharing Files:

Now you can make a good amount just by uploading and  sharing some useful files on (PPD) Pay Per Download sites. All you have to do is go to any PPD site and Create a account on it or Register on the site and upload your content. You will get a link after you upload any file, share the link.
And when people try to download that file, they will have to complete a survey and when they complete that survey you get paid.

3. Completing Paid Survey:

Completing Paid Surveys also can make a lot of money. This is very simple thing to do and you don't need to have a good knowledge. You just need to register or create an account on any paid survey sites and complete the survey and you get paid for it.

4. Freelancer:

Freelancing has a lot of money in it. If your good at anything, make use of it. Personally I've worked at some freelance site and had made a good amount out of it. Register on any freelancer site today and a lot of people are waiting to hire you. 

5. Writing Good Articles/Post on Blogs:

If you are good at writing and have enough knowledge about some topic then you can earn good amount with your talent and knowledge. Many of the bloggers are hiring people to write posts on their blogs and you can also write paid guest post on blogs and earn good amount.

6. Make Money Online with E-Tuition: 

Now-a-days demand for tutors are high. If you like teaching or helping others learn, then E-tutor is the best option for you to make money online. You just need to spend few hours in a week and have to be expertise in any subject you are willing to teach. You can register on many E-tutor sites such as SmartThinking, e-tutor and are some of the site.

7. Make Money Online With Youtube:

Youtube channel can make a lot of money for you. To make money from youtube you need a Account on youtube so Create one. You can upload Funny Video's, Music Video's, Drama Video's and much more but the Video's you are uploading should be your own. The Earning will come from the ads shown on your channel.

8. Buying/Selling Domains:

Buying and selling of Domains is another way of making money just by sitting at home but requires little knowledge, Investment and time. You can buy Domain at Registration price and then sell it for a good margin and earn good. But before buying any Domain you need to research about it. If the domain will have good value in future or not. You should mostly buy terminated domains as they have been used they can make you good profit.

9. Advertising:

Advertising is another big way of making money online. Just by giving some space on your website or blog for advertisement. You get paid good when your blog or website has a good traffic and even more when the advertisement has clicks on it. Google AdSense is the most popular option, you can also go for Yahoo Ads and more.

10. Making Themes

Making Templates for Websites, Blogger and Wordpress can make a lot of money for you. Now-a-days lot of people are searching for new attractive themes online and if you have good knowledge in HTML and CSS you can make good money by making themes. You can sell your theme on TemplateMonster and ThemeForest these kind of website works as market place for website templates.


You can choose any of these option to Make Money online. These are the best ways to make money online. You can also Contact me  if you want to get paid for writing Post on my Blog. 
If you have any kind of question or having any problem regarding this post please do contact me or you can comment below
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Wednesday 7 May 2014

Phishing Attacks

Posted by arvind
Phishing is a type of Internet scam which is used to acquire a users sensitive information by deception. It includes theft of usernames, passwords, credit card number, bank account details and other sensitive information. These days phishing attacks are getting very advanced in their exploitation of social engineering techniques. So in this post I am going to tell you how phishing works and how to prevent yourself from being a victim of a phishing attack.

How to protect yourself from phishing
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Friday 2 May 2014

Facebook Account Security

Posted by arvind
As you know many people are Hiring hackers to hack your Facebook account as they can spy on your facebook account so today lets talk about Facebook Hacks, Scams and Security. There are hundreds of people working full time for your Facebook account security and Facebook is one of the most secure social networking site but still some people's account get hacked. In this post i will tell you how to secure your facebook account and what are the attacks mainly used to hack your facebook account.

Secure your facebook account
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