Saturday 26 July 2014

Best CMD (Command Prompt) Tricks.

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Command Prompt is a feature provided by Windows to make things easy. But the interesting fact is some of us don't know what exactly the command prompt is and how to use it. It is really a very useful feature one should make use of. In this post we will be showing you some very simple and useful cmd tricks.

i) To start CMD open the Run window by pressing Win + R, then type CMD and press enter.
ii) Search for command prompt or CMD and click to open it.

Using CMD not only gives your work faster speed but also is fun to use it.

1)Know your I.P address.

If you don't know your IP address then try this.
  •  It's really simple to use CMD just open the it and type ipconfig/all and press enter.
  •  you will be provided with all the details like IP address and DNS servers, command promptwill also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing, Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter`s description, your physical(MAC) address.

2) More then 1 command in single line.

To assign two or more commands in one single statement use the operator && in between them. For eg : Hostname&&whoami
  • The above two commands will give you the two results one is your computer host name and other will be your user name. 

3)Hiding your files and folders.

Hiding your private files and folders due to any reason is simple with one more trick. Yes, Using commands you can hide your files easily. follow the following order of sequence and hide the file you want.

  •  Open CMD display box.
  •  Type attrib +s +h and after that give the file location suppose if i want to hide my folder PHOTOS which is in D drive then type the location of that particular file or folder. for eg : attrib +s +h D:\PHOTOS.
  • This command will help you to hide the files or folder.
  • To unhide the files or folders you have the similar kind of command like attrib -s -h and the file or folder location. Just the symbol "+" is changed to "-" to unhide.

4)Shutdown your PC after a specific time using CMD

Making your computer a time based working system is possible with this command system.
  •  Type shutdown -s -t 60 to shutdown your computer after 60 seconds. 
  • You will be able to see the warning message . 
  • The command uses the element -t followed by variable which is 60 seconds in this case. 
  • The variable you will define is the time after which your computer will be shutdown. 
  • So controlling your computer on commands is fun instead of tapping clicks.


These are some very simple cmd tricks you can try on your pc. These cmd tricks can be very useful. I personally make use of these tricks, if i want to download a big file and don't want to sit in front of the PC till it gets download then i just give my PC commands to shutdown after a specific time.
If you are having any question or problem regarding this post please do comment below.
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Wednesday 23 July 2014

5 Spy Apps you must have on your Android

Posted by arvind
Here are five Apps which will make you feel like a pro spy. Sometimes there is a certain need to be hyper attentive. These application listed below are free of cost and available on market place. 5 apps you must have on your Android device because these are the apps which will surely gonna help you at some point.
The application listed below are from baby monitoring to cell phone tracking.

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Monday 21 July 2014

Trick To Use Pendrive As RAM.

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It really sounds much interesting hearing that you can use your pen drive as RAM. I know you are anxious about this now. We all as the 21st century generation is much familiar with computer's and we can actually say that we are addicted to computer's. Being a computer user we all are known to the word's RAM (Random access memory) and Pen drive. Each one of us owe at least 1 pen drive today. Whereas the RAM plays the role of boosting the speed of computer. More is the RAM more we are comfortable to the use of PC. So we The Tech Tricks team is here with a new trick for you all to use your pen drive as your RAM and boost up the speed of your computer.

Steps you should follow to use your pen-drive as RAM:

  1. The pen drive you posses is recommended to be more then 4GB.
  2. Connect your Pen drive to your PC, make sure that the pen drive is empty.
  3. Open My Computer and wait for your device to get install properly.
  4. Now Right Click the pen drive option, select properties. 
  5. You will see the open information box, select the ReadyBoost label.
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Saturday 19 July 2014

Online Dating With Phone Application

Posted by arvind
Introducing a very useful application for all the singles out there. This application will help you to find your match. The application is known as Tinder. Tinder have solved a lot of dating problem and is used world wide!
If you are interested in relationship then you must read this full post to know about this Online Dating application which allows you to connect with people with mutual interests.

Online Dating with Tinder

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Online Shopping Security

Posted by arvind
Now a day, online shopping has become a part of our day to day life. We get to see a large range of merchandise with efficient cost. Further, it has become easy and quite convenient for the buyer to shop and make payments online. But have you ever wondered about the safety of your payment? Are you sure about the privacy of your bank cards? If no, then here I have some amazing tips to lock the web security and prevent cyber attacks. First let’s know how we are prone to such attacks.

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Improve your Blog SEO and Boost Traffic

Posted by arvind
If you are a Blogger you must know at least these few SEO tips. These SEO tips will help you to reach out maximum number of audience for your blog and will help your post to get well indexed in search engines.
If you have rich content on your blog but don't have reader to read it, then its like having a car but you can't ride it.
SEO tips to increase traffic
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Thursday 17 July 2014

Raspberry Pi B+ : A Card Size Single Board Computer.

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The all new small computer is in your market. Raspberry Pi a visiting card size board computer, to respond lack of computer literate young people. Main aim of the foundation is to widespread the use of computer in classroom, homes and all possible world. Making projects with this machine is more easy and suitable. Most important feature of this machine is we can take this board along with us anywhere. This machine is ready to get connected with the real world objects. You can make the all possible stuff you want with this small size computer and get hold on it.
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Thursday 10 July 2014

iPhone 6 Price In India.

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After the grand success of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c series of mobile, iPhone have decided to launch the highly exciting iPhone 6 with newly upgraded OS and a faster processor. iPhone lovers will happy to enjoy the new upgraded mobile with the high quality body made of tough unbreakable glass and aluminium. Apple's new iPhone 6 has glown up the market. OpenGL 3.0 games can be played on this new phone. And many more worth using features as listed below.

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